The Hurry App!

The Struggles

Most students in NY face a problem where they couldn't manage their time in getting to school without a clock.

Our Solution Was born

Our Group, Base Directioners, created a mobile app where people of any age can use called "Hurry"

How It works

The Hurry App shows you any fast routes to your school depending on where you live, and shows the weather and temperature so you can be aware what to wear for the outdoors and the app can have an alarm for notifications but not like other normal notivations.The notifications this app gives has its own custum sound which can be changed optional.

How The App was Born

At first this app wasn't going to be the Hurry App, but a simple app called Joho, and what this app would do is display local news that is shown depending on what you are interested in, but was changed because our team figured out that the other teams had the same idea so we wanted to make something inivated. So we thought that many students and adults had this type of struggle, then we thought of an app that could alert us for the earliest route to go to our destinati on at the fastest time. And the Hurry App was born.